Jun 5th – 7th, 2024

Hosted by ICDE Institutional Member Globethics at the Campus Biotech in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme “Ethical Leadership in the Age of AI: Rethinking Futures of Education”.

The ICDE Leadership Summit is a leadership-focused international conference which explores contemporary challenges and opportunities facing today’s educational leaders and innovators in the globally connected digital era. With delegates attending from around the world, the Summit offers a vibrant, inclusive space for unique networking and development opportunities.

This year’s programme provides an engaging balance of keynote lectures by leading stakeholders in global education; panel discussions, and dynamic workshops for multilateral dialogue on AI, ethics, and higher education.

Your ticket for the ICDE Leadership Summit 2024 gives you full access to the three-day conference, including keynote presentations, workshops, networking spaces, conference materials, 2 lunches and 1 evening reception.


Learn more: view the Leadership Summit programme overview

View event and register


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