May 24, 2023

Bologna University – Rimini Campus-ITALY




PhD candidates are invited to attend a half-day in presence (online option is available but attendance in presence is strongly recommended) doctoral seminar on May 24, 2023, from 14:00 to 19:00 (CEST). The aim of the workshop is to provide guidance and support for advancing the student’s doctoral dissertation and the presentation of their ideas also at a preliminary stage of development.

Applicants for the doctoral seminar should state their name and contact information, and the title of their dissertation. In addition, we ask for a submission that captures the content of the PhD project. Two types of submission formats are available:

  • A short paper (from 3000 to 5000 words including references, 12 font Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing). At the beginning of the paper, the student should clearly point out how the paper is a part of the PhD project. This paper can be a joint publication or individually written.
  • A research proposal (from 3000 to 5000 words including references, 12 font Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing) that does not focus in detail on any particular paper but presents the overall framework (research problem, theory, method and analysis) of the PhD thesis.


The Conference Fee for PhD candidates is 100 Euro, comprehensive of the Doctoral Workshop participation, or 50 Euro just for Doctor Workshop participation.

Applications must be submitted by February 15th, 2023 by sending an email to:



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